Upgrading Non-Profit Retirement Plans: Upgrading IAC Plans to Open Architecture (Part 3 of 3)
This is the last post in this series on how academic and non-profit institutions can upgrade outdated retirement plans, based on individual annuity contract (IACs), into a modern solution that meets the needs of today’s talent marketplace and fiduciary requirements. The first post noted the deficiencies of IAC plans, including fiduciary risk,...
Upgrading Non-Profit Retirement Plans: Strengthening Your Plan with Advisory Services (Part 2 of 3)
In our last post on modern retirement plan solutions, we noted that many academic and non-profit institutions over the years have retirement plan platforms that exclusively use individual annuity contracts (IACs). These outdated IAC platforms no longer meet the needs of today’s employers, employees, and the rapidly changing talent marketplace. Among the...
Upgrading Non-Profit Retirement Plans: Limitations of Individual Annuity Contracts (Part 1 of 3)
Many academic and not-for-profit employers are operating retirement plans using a platform that is rooted in the past – the individual annuity contract (IAC). Retirement plan regulations have changed dramatically in the past 10 years, and so have the needs of employees. These changes make the old IACs out of...